"Gold Star"
88% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes
"Negri delivers a compelling turn"
"...it's Vaughn, still looking dashing despite his obvious frailty, who gives the film its emotional core".
"In the deeply moving final scene, in which Carmine and Vicki sit quietly together on a beach, his plaintive eyes speak far more powerfully than any amount of dialogue."
-Frank Scheck, Hollywood Reporter
"...a serious embracing of the cinematic;
not something you would expect from a first-time actor turned director. Negri shows an innate appreciation for the medium throughout Gold Star, and while we’ve encountered various indie iterations of the coming-of-age picture, it’s rare to find one that even bothers to balance style and meaning."
- Brad Gullickson, FilmSchoolRejects
"There is a haunting quality to the film’s final moments, like a crescendo that was building all along but could only be sensed in hindsight."
- Sophia Cowley, FilmInquiry
"Vaughn’s performance is nuanced and simply stunning. He’s left us all with one final role that is worthy of his enduring legend."
- Raquel Stecher, Out of the Past
"As an examination of the ways in which we experience grief for the still-living, Gold Star is a remarkably insightful experience."
- Leigh Monson, Substream Magazine